1. Payment options.
- Webmoney Z161852888340, E111809803264, R317569416318
- Payeer P1124176656
- BTC bc1qqltjnyhz67gfryws4ffcfsk3qzgtk3ycl749mn
- LTC LcnejuvkKkxz5RCPHBa7Yyn5LRtVCymwsB
- USDT ERC20 0x714a4883269d41EF93463Beee8FAe43140A526b9
- USDT BEP20 0x945586872C81fFab5B86d37fBad9d2a83155C994
2. Time fulfillment of an order.
In the case of subscription of the first link you will be sent within 1-30 minutes, depending on the payment method, the package may require hand more time to prepare.
The maximum term of the order 24 hours.
daily updates:
-via e-mail - to 17-00 GMT,
-via software or personal account - when ready packages, usually earlier than e-mail. At some rooms may update a few times a day.
3. How do I get handhistories?
You can get handhistories in three ways:
-To receive the download links via e-mail,
-Download handhistories in web interface on our website in a your account page,
-By means of our software which with a set interval will download new files and extract them to a specific location.
4. Can I change the limit \ room during the subscription?
Yes, you can suspend or cancel a subscription, change the limit, room, game type or tables in a your account page or by contacting our support.
5. What is the subscription and packages of hands. What is the difference between the subscription and package.
Subscribe - receive a daily hand history of played the previous day. Here you will have every day fresh hands .
For example by ordering the 10th November a monthly subscription with the start of 7th November , you 'll immediately receive hands for 6,7,8,9 November and continue until the 6th of December will receive daily hand history of played the previous day.
By default, when the order start date is set to 3 days earlier than the current date. You can change the date of start , but it can not be different more than 7 days from the current date . Ie order subscription on 10th November , you can put a date of start not earlier than the 3rd of November and no later than the 17th of November. Estimate the number of hands which you get immediately, you can looked at the chart statistics that appears to the right , under the basket order. It displays the graph of number of hands by days and are text - in the last 7 days , 30 days and the average daily number. If you need more hands than for the previous 7 days you will need to order a package of hands.
It should be noted that in most cases the package is worth more than the hands subscription obtained by counting the number of hands in the same amount.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a certain number of hands daily, statistics on their number is displayed when ordering under the basket. Also, for technical reasons, there are days when mining is not collected (or not sent out) in whole or in part. Therefore, we have a daily payment system for subscriptions:payment for subscriptions is deducted from your balance daily upon the issuance of links. If for some reason there was no mining on some day, then there will be no debiting of money either. If there was no mining only for a part of the rooms / stackes, then the money will be partially written off - only for the issued mining. Thus, you will eventually receive mining for as many days as you paid for, even if for some reason we could not issue hands for several days. Also, such a debit system allows you to easily suspend or cancel a subscription, change the limit, room, type of game or tables: you simply deactivate current subscriptions and use the remaining money on your balance to order other subscriptions or buy hand packs. You can replenish the balance for any amount, you do not have to pay the entire cost of the subscription at once: a daily newsletter will be sent to you as long as there is a sufficient amount on the balance. For example, you can order a 60-day subscription for $20 and pay $8, and after a week, if you still need this subscription, add another 12.
Subscription discounts:
- discount for the purchase of several subscriptions: the most expensive subscription is paid in the amount of 100%, the second one in the amount of 50%, all subsequent ones in the amount of 35%.
- discount for the duration of the subscription: each subscription has a cumulative discount, every next month the subscription becomes cheaper by 3%. The maximum amount of this discount is 20%. If the subscription was deleted, then the accumulation starts again, so do not delete unnecessary subscriptions from your account, it's better to just turn them off.
Package of hands - one time purchase of a certain number of earlier played hands.
Sometimes you may need a hands collected over a long period , for the last month or two or even six months .
For example, you are going to play on a completely new for you limit, type of game , in a new room. Or your chosen limit played very few hands - 500 per day or 1-2 thousand. In this case, 3-10 thousand hands collected for the previous week will be a little for reliable statistics, here will help you buy a package of hands.
By default, the package contains the latest hands mined hands ordered limit, ie starting from yesterday and earlier, until there is a right amount . But you can specify in comments period you are interested and we will choose for you the right hands , such as 500k hands " for 15.10.2013 and earlier" or 500k hands " for 15.10.2013 and later."
When issuing a package, the money for it is debited from your balance immediately and completely.
Discounts for hand packages:
- for each next 100k hands of the package, the discount on it will be increased by 1%. Those. when ordering a package of 1 million. hands, and the price of the limit is $1 per 100k, you will pay not $10, but $9.10.
- 6. I do not get an e-mail when register or made the order.
After registration, order, request a new password, as well as in the daily delivery service we will send an email to the registration letter.
Unfortunately, many email providers perceive our mail as spam, so first check the folder "spam". If our letters is not there, it is likely that your email provider does not pass our letters.
In this case, we recommend using a different email or use our service without using email.
Providers that do not have problems - @ yandex.ru, @ mail.ru, @ gmail.com.
Providers that often block our mail - @ yahoo.com, @ hotmail.com, @ web.de, @ btinternet.com, @outlook.com.
You can have the same use our service without the use of mail. Just remember your password when you register, and all further actions you can perform from your personal account, including download ordered hands, view / modify existing orders, view balance, the value of orders, and so on.
- 7 How can i order hands for PokerStars for CAP only tables or non CAP only tables or all tables type?
Subscription will contains hands for all tables type. If you no need CAP tables, then you can delete from unpacked arhieve all files wich names contains _CAP_.
Package of hands by default contains nonCAP only tables. If you need all hands or CAP only hands, then write note for order - "CAP only hands", "CAP+nonCAP" etc.